Pay Bill

Why Choose Us

Switching Made Easier

Electricity powers our homes, our businesses and our communities. We have delivered for over 5 years. As one of the nation’s largest electric utilities, we are committed to safely delivering
affordable and reliable electricity today and in the future.

We have a long-term plan to upgrade and modernize the grid. From our workers in the field to the family and friends that you hold dear, we are deeply committed to keeping everyone safe around electricity.

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Our Advantages

Advantages of Telecomservices

Start Service

New to the service area? Find frequently asked questions and set up your service now.

Stop Service

Moving out of the service area? Stop your service and find answers to your questions.

Transfer Service

Moving within the service area? Let us help you easily transfer your current service to your new address.

View Pending Orders

View or edit a pending service order right from your account dashboard.

Budget Billing

Even out your monthly payments with this free option that helps level out seasonal changes in your energy bill.

Energy Usage Alerts

Smart meters can give you powerful insights about your energy usage that can help you build energy- efficient habits and save money.

Outage Notifications

Receive notifications when power may be off in your area as well as restoration updates for outages you report.

Auto Pay

Automatically pay your bill by having your payment withdrawn from your bank account.

Guaranteed Flat Bill

Manage your bill with our easy-to-use Guaranteed Flat Bill (GFB) pricing option. You pay the same amount for your electric bill every month for one full year. GFB is open to Oklahoma customers only. See if you qualify and sign up here.

Save up to 20% on you Bill

We also offers a multiple discount service, which is great for saving up on your monthly bill. Choose to talk with our representative and get discounts and great deals. Also, receive services – without any contracts or additional charges. You can switch between plans at any time and can access the huge network of FREE out-of-home techinician visit that multiple companies offer.

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